As women become older the natural part of aging begins. The wrinkles
the cellulite on our hips, thighs and buttocks start to show ad most of us
become shame of the change of what we see. It gives us a sense of shame,
and some become insecure along the way. Let's change the glass that we
look through let's see the beauty within ourselves! know that beauty is more
than skin-deep, beauty is made up of many different parts. Confidence, love,
happiness, dignity, self-acceptance and much more. Understand that you are
unique in your looks! how you see yourself can affect how others see you.
know that you are beautiful and wonderfully made in Christ Jesus and that he
gives us beauty for ashes for everything that we have been through. Don't
compare yourself with anyone else love who you are. Be the best version of you.
self-love can connect to your mental well-being, love yourself the same way you
love family and friends and accept who you are even with your imperfections.